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Helping us - "the deal"
Th first half of the work on a mission can be covered within the PBL project work at AAU. The last half is bringing functional prototypes and SW to be in space quality ready for launch.
It cost time, many money (see below) and is carried out as voluntary work in our lab.
AAU staff is here to help for free.
For that we kindly ask if someone will help us reaching our goal.
Our deal with you
- We do our best to reach the goal
- We will come up with the best engineers for the benefit of all of us
- If you want to hear more like Friday afternoon at an event at your premises just contact us
We will of course put to name/company name on our sponsor site.
Spinn off
We are proud that Gomspace AS, Space Inventor AS and Satlab AS all has used our lab as incubator garage. We are also very happy to see they all has stayed in the vicinity of Aalborg University. The do all employ many students coming from AAU Studentspace.
In addition to that many companies with space activities do also employ many of our old students.
Please contact Assoc prof PhD (lektor) Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen ( +45 287 287 53) for more information.
A little about pricing a mission …
- Our far most highest expensive is launch. A launch cost 50-150.000 euro depending of size of the cubesat
- The next highest is production the raw PCBs
- Components, solar cells is expected to be a magnitude smaller than launch cost
- We do however make many prototypes which of course increase the pricing
- Free lab, radioroom etc facilities
- Final pricing is normally less than 160.000 euro
- All sponsor money goes to the student - no AAU salaries are paid by sponsor contributions
So sponsor money goes 100% to the students