Some very small comments for ltspice.

Getting new components - quick and dirty

  1. Go to ltwiki for additional components

  2. Find your new component (and files)

  3. Follow instruction for the component for install

  4. Copy <xxx>.sub to ltspice folder \lib\sub

  5. Copy <xxx>.asy to ltspice folder \lib\sym\..

TL072 - an example

found on ltspice comp libs wiki

BJTs etc

Look here


File:TL072.sub TL072 subcircuit. Place in \lib\sub
File:TL072.asy TL072 component. Place in \lib\sym\Opamps
File:Pweoverdrivepreamp2.asc Overdrive Preamp circuit, using native TL072
Datasheet Original files adapted from [2].
  1. TL072.sub

  2. TL072.asy

  • Testet on my own ltspice

  • Some of the components has slight different ways of install so read the wiki carefully
