NTC exercises
No 1: get an NTC up and running
Assume temperature 0-30C (living room)
Select and get an NTC (10k/47K/…)
Find Steinhart and Hart coefficients for the NTC
Select computer (Arduino/ESP32/…)
Select or decide power supply for voltage divider (typical 3.3V / 5V,…)
Look at data sheet and select fixed resistor which is in middle for temperature range (0-30C)
Do a mockup with breadboard
Measure temperature with your device
What is accuracy of measurement (what equals 1 bit)
10 bit ADC (UNO) or 12 bit on ESP (I assume)
Measuring range 0-5V or 0-3.3V
What is accuracy or resolution at 30C
at 20 C
at 10 C
at 00 C
Use Steinhart und Hart formula to calculate NTC values for temperature range form -10C to +40C
Compare with your ADC resolution and argue for optimal fixed resistor values for
10C - 0C, 0C - 10C,l 10C - 20C, 20C - 30C, 30C - 40 C with one degree spacing
Make a driver for your NTC resistor
with C or cpp and h files to be located in sketchbook/libraries
Formulas has a tendency to give Temperature in Kelvin …