ESP 32 - Watch dogs

watchdog example
   if you dont feed the dog you will reboot within <watchdog timeout> time [sec]

#include <esp_task_wdt.h>
void task1 (void *pParm)

  while (1) {
      vTaskDelay(1); // if you comment out vTAskDelay watchtimer will reboot
                     // because you dont tell FreeRTOS you are alive
                     // or disable watchdog on Core0   disableCore0WDT();

void setup() {

  // change timeout for watchdog esp_task_wdt_init(1, true); // <wd timeout in seconds>,<panic true/false>min 1 sec

  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(task1, "t0", 2000, NULL,  2, NULL, 0);

  vTaskDelete(NULL); // terminate myself so only task above is running


void loop() {}


System calls

-  esp_task_wdt_init(WDT_TIMEOUT, true)               enable panic so ESP32 restarts(in sec)
- esp_err_t esp_task_wdt_add(TaskHandle_t handle)     Subscribe a task to the Task Watchdog Timer (TWDT)
- esp_err_t esp_task_wdt_reset(void)                  Reset calling task' the Task Watchdog timer

- esp_err_t esp_task_wdt_delete(TaskHandle_t handle)  Unsubscribes a task from the Task Watchdog Timer (TWDT)
- esp_err_t esp_task_wdt_status(TaskHandle_t handle)  Query whether a task is subscribed to the Task Watchdog Timer (TWDT)

System calls - Arduino IDE

Normally you are or should run on core 0, so ues Pinned version of createTask

  • disableCore0WDT();

  • enableCore0WDT();

  • disableCore1WDT();

  • enableCore1WDT();

  • enableLoopWDT();

  • disableLoopWDT();

  • feedLoopWDT();

Arduino HAL/WD code (source)

(click for code)

ESP docu by Jens